Hammer Nutrition HEED 2.0
Non-acidic sports drink
- Sustained energy, no sugar crash
- Reduces cramps
- Buffers lactic acid
- Supports dental health
- Cherry Bomb flavor contains 25mg of Caffeine
All other “sports drinks” are the same—lots of sugar, salt, and citric acid. Not HEED! The Non-Acidic, subtle-flavored alternative— Packed with complex carbohydrates, complete electrolyte profile, and essential nutrients that balance blood sugar, buffer lactic acid, and ensure long-lasting energy.
Contains xylitol. Do not feed to your dog.
2.0 HEED - Updated with tapioca maltodextrin derived from cassava, a far superior energy source, and it’s Paleo friendly.
Our carbohydrate-containing fuels used a corn-derived maltodextrin (complex carbohydrate), which was actually a very good maltodextrin. However, we found that tapioca (cassava root)-derived maltodextrin offers the following advantages over corn-derived maltodextrin, which is why we made the switch:
- Tapioca requires far less processing than corn.
- Unlike corn, there is no GMO content in tapioca to begin with, so even though all the corn-derived maltodextrin we used in our products tested at 0ppb for GMOs, going with tapioca just saves us that hassle.
- Tapioca maltodextrin has naturally lower amounts of sodium and higher amounts of naturally occurring potassium. Given that most everyone consumes far too much sodium as it is, having more potassium and less sodium is a definite plus.
- Tapioca maltodextrin has a more-alkaline pH than corn-derived maltodextrin. Considering that we athletes are “acid-producing machines” during exercise, a more-alkaline pH is a highly desirable during-exercise feature/benefit.
- Tapioca maltodextrin has a lower Dextrose Equivalent (DE), which means lower mono and disaccharide (short-chain sugar) content, and a much higher percentage of polysaccharide (complex carb) content--in essence, a more “complex” complex carbohydrate--for even longer-lasting energy and endurance.
- Tapioca maltodextrin has same Glycemic Index (GI) as other forms of maltodextrin, so you get the fast-acting energy that you’re looking for.